Polskie Stowarzyszenie Kiteboardingu

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Start Aktualności Karolina walczy o tytuł Mistrzyni Świata Freestyle - już od dziś!

Karolina walczy o tytuł Mistrzyni Świata Freestyle - już od dziś!

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Karola - trzymamy mocno kciuki. Zrób to szybko! 
Szczegóły: http://www.sieplywa.pl/siewie/7614/Trzymamy_kciuki_za_Karoline_Winkowska#36193
Kibicujemy oglądająctransmisje na żywo: http://live.prokitetour.com/

AKTUALIZACJA 29.10.2014 - Niebezpieczny precedens i skandaliczne decyzje komisji sędziowskiej PKRA. Protest PZKite skierowany do zarządu PKRA poniżej:

Dear Sirs,

The Polish Kiteboarding Association protests against a postponing of the Pingtan women final to the next PKRA event. This is an unheard precedent in long kiteboarding history. Our members remain in shock and disbelief. They never heard about such unfair decision in such a simple situation. A rider who is not present or cannot compete from any reason loses her/his heat. Karolina Winkowska was unfairly harmed twice by your judges / director and deprived of the chance to secure the World Championship title at that event.

The postponing decision is dangerous to the sport and are opposite to the high standards of PKRA. So far the PKRA was endorsed by professional riders and judges and industry experts who hold the highest esteem. The Pingtan’s decision is a precedent changing your reputation.

We hope PKRA jury will reconsider their unfair decision and award a win to Karolina Winkowska. We are addressing this sad issue to the PKRA riders’ committee and The International Kiteboarding Association as well.

President of the Polish Kiteboarding Association
Łukasz Ceran

Siepływa pisze: http://www.sieplywa.pl/siewie/7627/Niezla_heca_kosztem_Karoliny_Winkowskiej

Kiteforum.com: http://www.kiteforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2386823 

A co piszą o tym same zamieszane w to dziewczyny? https://www.facebook.com/karolinawinkowska    https://www.facebook.com/GiselaPulido?fref=ts


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